Special bundle price

Taxpayers Defense Conference 2020

Get 5 Sessions in one package!

What's included?

  • Holistic Tax Resolution Strategy
  • Understanding the Tax Court and Tax Court Practice Basics
  • Appealing a Notice of Deficiency and the CDP Judicial Appeal
  • Emergency Measures to Stop Collections
  • Understanding and Avoiding Conflicts of Interest and Ascertaining “Reasonable Fees”
Each year since 1993, Daniel J. Pilla has presented the nation’s leading seminar for tax professionals, the Taxpayers Defense Conference. Designed specifically for tax pros in the business of helping taxpayers solve IRS audit, appeal and collection problems, Dan reveals the latest on exactly what to expect from the IRS and exactly how you can best help your clients weather the latest storm. To serve your clients in the best possible way, you need to know how to protect and defend your clients. That’s where the Taxpayers Defense Conference comes in.

Dan Pilla's Taxpayers Defense Conference is the "gold standard" for elite Tax Pro education.
Courses included

Taxpayers Defense Conference 2020

Get 5 Sessions in one package!

Taxpayers Defense Conference 2020

Get 5 Sessions in one package!